Tuesday, April 17, 2007


uploaded for your critiquing(sp?) pleasure a panel of Speedy and Aqualad having a showdown. I originall wanted to crop it at the lines next to the 'B's but it is th only panel on the tier and everything other panle goes to the safe area border. Thoughts?


Ben DeRosa said...

if there's any dialogue in that panel, then I say leave it as is. if you want a tighter shot, you can use the same panel shape. just make them bigger, so it's mostly just heads.

Jon Sperry said...

i think i know which panel this is, but i'd have to see the rest of the page... you need the space for dialogue (if any)- but if you really want the tighter shot, use photoshop or a copy machine to enlarge it and recrop it.

Roni said...

there's no dialogue. Thanks