Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I love comics

I know most of you guys don't like capes but its got Matt Fraction. And for the record I love capes.

A Live Weekly Talk Show about Comic Books

Hosted by Justin Tyler, Pete LePage, and Alex Zalben

Tuesday, December 18th @ 8:00 PM

Brian Michael Bendis (New Avengers, Ultimate Spider-Man)
Ed Brubaker (Captain America, X-Men, Criminal)
Matt Fraction (Iron Fist, Casanova)
& Bill Hader (Saturday Night Live, Superbad)

Tickets: $5
Phone: 1-800-838-3006
Questions? 212-563-7488

The Peoples Improv Theater
154 West 29th Street, 2nd Floor
Between 6th and 7th Aves.

Check us out on MySpace:

The show is sponsored in part by Midtown Comics


Gabe said...

Fraction is awesome. Brubaker's ok. Bendis blows. Why is Bill Hader there?

We should go to ask Fraction if Cass is in the theatre at the end of the secret cinema issue.

Jon Sperry said...

i just don't get capes... if you can fly, what's the cape for? What's a cape for in general? It's like wearing a bedsheet. Worst garment ever!

Ulises Farinas said...

cape destroys your natural outline, making it harder for enemies to tell how large you are, or where to shoot